Knowledge, Power, and Feng shui expertise in Thai society

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Pinyapan Potjanalawan


            This study contextualizes the current state of feng shui in physical space management as well as the cultural dynamics of feng shui practice in Thailand. In the late 1980s, feng shui began to impact private and  public spaces, nationally dominating economic operations and political strategies. Feng shui represented a novel to societal application of space management expertise. Previously, only professionals such as architects, interior designers, engineers, and contractors had access to this          information, some of which was published in construction journals and advertisements. As a result, feng shui became easy - to - learn, readily available lore from broadcast media and online activities. Feng shui    experts were akin to life coaches resolving personal problems. These space coaches often collaborated with other advisors employing        astrological instruments to design space management.


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