The Administrative Factors Affecting the Student Care and Support System in School under Nong Kai Primary Educational Service Area Office 1


  • Putsaya Chaiyajak Faculty of Education Udonthani Rajabhat University
  • Praporntip Kunagornpitak Faculty of Education Udonthani Rajabhat University
  • ์Nawattakorn Homsin Faculty of Education Udonthani Rajabhat University


Administrative Factors, Student Care and Support Systems


The purposes of this research were to 1) study the level of administrative factors, 2) study the level of student care and support systems, 3) study the relationship between administrative factors and student care and support systems, and 4) create predictive factors for administrative factors affecting the student care and support systems in schools under the Nong Khai Primary Educational Service Area Office 1. Samples of this study were 316 teachers. The tools were two questionnaires 5-level estimation scale that asked about management factors, and inquiring about the student care and support systems. Statistics used for data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, correlation coefficient and stepwise multiple regression analysis.

The research findings were as follows:

  1. Administrative factors in schools were Organizational Culture Factors (OCU), Leadership Factors (LEA), Atmospheric Factors in Schools (OCL), Motivation Factors (MOT), Communication Factors (COM), and Information Technology Factors (ITE). The overall level of these factors was of a high level.
  2. The overall level of the student care and support systems in school was at a high level.
  3. Administrative factors and student care and support systems in schools had a high level of positive relationship with statistical significance at the .01
  4. Administrative factors accounted the valiance of the operation of student care and support systems with statistical significance at the .01 level.

Prediction equation in raw scores:

 gif.latex?\hat{Y}= 0.268 +0.534 (MOT) + 0.355 (COM) + 0.061 (LEA)

 Prediction equation in standard score:

 gif.latex?\hat{Z}= 0.599 ( ) + 0.399 ( ) + 0.091 ( )


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How to Cite

Chaiyajak, P., Kunagornpitak, P., & Homsin ์. (2019). The Administrative Factors Affecting the Student Care and Support System in School under Nong Kai Primary Educational Service Area Office 1. Ubon Ratchathani Journal of Research and Evaluation, 8(1), 31–39. retrieved from



Thesis Article