The Development of Focus to Improve the Quality of Education for Secondary Schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 28


  • Sittipong Suprom สพม.28


focus development, educational quality, secondary school students


The purposes of this research were 1) to study and analyze the basic data of developmental focus, 2) to develop focus 3) to study the results of using a focus, and 4) to evaluated the using of focus to improve the quality of education. Examples consisted of administrators, teachers, educational personnel, and students at Yang Chum Noi Pittayakhom School under the of Secondary Education Service Area Office 28, Sisaket Province, by Stratified Random Sampling. The research instruments were questionnaires, observation forms, interview forms, and evaluation forms. The statistics used for data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation, and content analysis.

The research findings were as follows:

  1. The results of basic data analysis of developmental focus revealed the process of educational quality development comprised 7 components; 1) human administration, 2) knowledge
    in administration, 3) achievement management, 4) professional management, 5) quality, 6) usefulness, and 7) creativity, respectively.
  2. The results of the analysis on a developmental focus revealed that the focus comprised 6 points, such as, 1) focus and educational management policies for stability, 2) focus and educational management policies to improve student quality and promote educational management to create competitiveness, 3) focus and promotion policies develop teachers and educational personnel,
    4) focus and policies on opportunity, equality and equality in access to educational services,
    5) Focus and policy on education for enhancing the quality of life base on environmental friendship, and 6) focus and policy on the development of management systems and encouraging all sectors to participate in educational management.
  3. The results of using a developmental focus revealed that as for the overview was at a highly level of quality.
  4. The results of evaluation in using of focus to improve the quality of education by using CIPP model revealed that the overview of 4 elements of CIPP model was at the highest level of quality.


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How to Cite

Suprom, S. (2020). The Development of Focus to Improve the Quality of Education for Secondary Schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 28. Ubon Ratchathani Journal of Research and Evaluation, 9(2), 96–107. retrieved from



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