Applying item response model for developing an item bank of basic science process skills


  • Manee Panjanghan
  • Somprasong Senarat
  • Canthasap Chomphupart


item bank, 4-parameter item response model, the basic science process skills


               The purpose of this research was to develop item bank in basic science process skills test by applying 4-parameter item response model.  The samples were 613 Prathomsuksa 6 students of academic year 2019 from Roi Et Primary Educational Services Area Office 1 using multistage random sampling. The instrument was basic science process skills 4 choices of 50 items. The analysis item response model 4 parameters by The R package, mirt, lavaan, psych and GPArotation.

               The research findings were as follows:

               The developed items were 31 items that yielded the item parameter conforming the standard criterion. The discrimination ranged from 0.765 to 4.877, the difficulty ranged from –2.785 to 2.928, lower asymptote were between 0.088 to 0.291 and upper asymptote ranged from 0.704 to 0.971. The item bank was unidimensionality and appropriate content validity.  The item bank can be used as a database for developing basic science process skills testing programs.


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How to Cite

Panjanghan, M., Senarat, S., & Chomphupart, C. (2020). Applying item response model for developing an item bank of basic science process skills. Ubon Ratchathani Journal of Research and Evaluation, 9(2), 85–95. retrieved from



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