A Synthesis of Research in Development Nursing Student’s Competencies of Professional Using Meta-Analysis


  • ยมนา ชนะนิล
  • อุไร อมรไชย


สมรรถนะทางวิชาชีพ,นักศึกษาพยาบาล, การวิเคราะห์อภิมาน


The research aimed to synthesize the researches related to the development of the nurse students’ profession faculty by means of meta-analysis. The samples used in the research were 55 pieces of researches related to the development of the nurse students’ profession faculty, which were published during 2000 – 2010. Statistics used in data analysis were effect size (d) and one way ANOVA.

The research findings were as follows:

The quality researches were 29. With the development of professional competencies in five of the eight sides, with effect size greater than 0.8. the following were found :

Faculty 1 on ethics, etiquette and laws included the integrated instructional approach on ethics (d=5.5), activities for ethical behavioral development (d=5.45), and evidence-based instruction (d=4.31). Faculty 2 on nursing and midwifery practice included the contemplative education (d=2.64) and the instructional approach based on a situational learning (d=1.52). Faculty 3 on the professional attributes included a  training program for  a suitable behavior in expression (d=3.24), a simulation-based instruction (d=2.92),a training course for emotional quotient (d=2.17), a learner-centered instructional approach (d=2.16), a case study based instruction (d=1.50), the instruction based on situational learning (d=1.28), the intelligence map- based instruction (d=1.15) and the group relation activity (d=1.11).Faculty 4 on leadership, management and quality development included a training program on leadership for inspiration (d=2.69), the instruction based on a cooperative learning (d=2.28), the integrated instruction (d=2.17) and the instruction through the portfolio (d=1.98). Faculty 5 on academic affair and researches included the instruction to enhance a self-learning (d=3.80), computer-assisted instruction (d=2.03), a case study-based instruction (d=1.94), the integrated instruction (d=1.79), the situational learning based instruction (d=1.34) and the brain based instruction (d=1.14) and there were no variables to control or regulate the characteristics of the researches which made the research result different with a statistical significance.


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How to Cite

ชนะนิล ย., & อมรไชย อ. (2021). A Synthesis of Research in Development Nursing Student’s Competencies of Professional Using Meta-Analysis . Ubon Ratchathani Journal of Research and Evaluation, 1(1), 74–84. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ubonreseva/article/view/250787