Development of The Causal Model of Thai Traditional Medicine Students Competencies in Thai Qualifications Framework for Higher Education.


  • วิรุธน์ บัวงาม
  • จำลอง วงษ์ประเสริฐ


โมเดลเชิงสาเหตุ, สมรรถนะนักศึกษาแพทย์แผนไทย, กรอบมาตรฐานคุณวุฒิระดับอุดมศึกษาแห่งชาติ


The objective of this research were to (1) study the competencies level of thai traditional medicine students in Thai Qualifications Framework for Higher Education. (2) Develop and validate the model of thai traditional medicine students in Thai Qualifications Framework for Higher Education with empirical data . (3) Study the direct effect, indirect effect and total effect combined influence of factors that affect the overall competencies of thai traditional medicine students in Thai Qualifications Framework for Higher Education. The samples used in this study is thai traditional medicine students in class year the 1-4 total of 400 people selected by multistage random sampling. The instrument used in the analysis consisted (1) general information (2) investigate the factors that affect the competencies of thai traditional medicine students is a five-rating scale. Factor consisted : Professional attitude, Achievement motivation, Perceived social support, Interaction with friend, Management of teaching and learning, Assessment practice, Environment in educational institutions and Learning resources. The confidence of the cronbach's Alpha was 0.831, 0.842, 0.911, 0.835, 0.947, 0.938, 0.724 and 0.919 respectively (3) Measure of competencies of thai traditional medicine students in Thai Qualifications Framework for Higher Education is five-rating scale with the confidence of both the equal 0.978 Cronbach's alpha. Statistical is  used for  analysis was frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, skewness, kurtosis, and pearson correlation coefficient. and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), structural equation model (SEM) using Mplus version 6.12.

                 The results are summarized below :

  1. The mean scores of competencies of thai traditional medicine students in thai qualifications framework for higher education the overall at high level (  =3.69 ,S=.053). The moral power ethics has the highest average (  =4.00, S=.481). Thai traditional medical professional competencies has an average minimum (  = 3.54,S =.558).
  2. The causal model of thai traditional medicine students have developed in harmony with the empirical data with the =61.362, df=46, /df =1.333, p=0.0643, CFI = 0.992, TLI=0.984, RMSEA =0.029, SRMR=0.035.     
  3. Factors directly effected to the competencies of thai traditional students in thai qualifications framework for higher education were student characteristics factor, teacher characteristics factor and learning environment factor. Learning environment factor has effected size 0.246 is statistically significant at .05 level.
  4. Factors indirectly effected to the competencies of thai traditional students in thai qualifications framework for higher education were teacher characteristics factor, learning environment factor through the student characteristics factor. Teacher characteristics factor has effected size 0.917 statistically significant at .01 level.
  5. Factors total effected were teacher characteristics factor 0.468 statistically significance at 0.01 level. followed. And learning environment factor were total effect 0.207 significant at .05 level. All factors can explain the variation of thai traditional medicine students competencies in Thai Qualifications Framework for Higher Education 40.3 percent.  


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How to Cite

บัวงาม ว., & วงษ์ประเสริฐ จ. (2021). Development of The Causal Model of Thai Traditional Medicine Students Competencies in Thai Qualifications Framework for Higher Education. Ubon Ratchathani Journal of Research and Evaluation, 2(1), 70–81. retrieved from