Development of Internal Educational Quality Assurance Model in Community Colleges


  • เปรมจิต มอร์ซิง
  • เกียรติสุดา ศรีสุข


The purposes of this research were 1) to develop the standards and indicators of Internal Educational Quality Assurance in Community College, 2) to create and develop the Internal Educational Quality Assurance Model in Community College, and 3) to test the Internal Educational Quality Assurance Model’s evaluation in Community College following the standards and indicators which can be developed by the research and development. There were three processes. The first process were the development of standards and indicators of Educational Quality Assurance in Community College by using the documental synthesis to select standards and indicators, the appropriation’s correction of using the model with 133 personals which were the executives and the chiefs of educational quality assurance part of Community College, and the appropriation’s correction of model’s evaluation with empirical data by confirmatory factor analysis from the sample, which consisted of 440 personals in Community College. The tools were questionnaire of the appropriate correction of Internal Educational Quality Assurance in Community College’s standards and indicators which its reliability was 0.916. The second process were the creation and development of the Internal Educational Quality Assurance Model by using documental synthesis to get model’s form and brain storming activity from chiefs of educational quality assurance to create the model’s form, and the correction of the appropriation and the possibility of model was corrected before using by the executives and the experts. The third process was to experimental evaluation of Internal Educational Quality Assurance in a Community College by the three evaluators, then analyze the data by using the basic statistic and improve the Internal Educational Quality Assurance Model following the evaluation.

The results of the research were as follow :

  1. The result of the development of Educational Assurance’s standards and indicators found 6 standards consisting of 1) Philosophy, Vision, Purpose, and Educational plan, 2) The number of graduated people to society, 3) Students’ development, 4) The research, 5) Regional and Traditional preservation, and 6) The administration. All of these standards had 34 indicators.
  2. The result of the Internal Education Quality Assurance Model’s creation and development consisted of 1) Quality Assurance’s goal, 2) Education Management Quality’s standards and indicators, and 3) Educational Quality Assurance Process ; quality control, quality Audit, and quality assessment.
  3. The experimental results of Internal Educational Quality Assurance Model in Community College following the developing standards and indicators found that the developed model can be simply used by the personal of Community College to assure the educational quality.


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How to Cite

มอร์ซิง เ., & ศรีสุข เ. (2021). Development of Internal Educational Quality Assurance Model in Community Colleges. Ubon Ratchathani Journal of Research and Evaluation, 2(1), 82–96. retrieved from