A Development of Difficulty Word Reading and Writing Skill by using the Process of Cooperative Leaning for Prathom Suksa 3 Students of Banpoekrasang School of Sisaket Primary Educational Service Area Office 4


  • วราภรณ์ คำล้าน
  • ธีรวุฒิ เอกะกุล



                 The objectives of the research were to develop a  reading and writing Skill by using the process of cooperative Leaning for Prathom Suksa 3 students of Banpoekrasang School of Sisaket Primary Educational Service Area Office 4 and compare a results of  the development skill in reading and writing of Prathom Suksa 3 students  before and after the operation. The target sample were  seventeen Prathom Suksa 3 students of Banpoekrasang School of Sisaket Primary Educational Service Area Office in the first semester of the academic year 2012. The sampling were seventeen students, by means of purposive sampling.  The experiment was 13 Cooperative plans achievement test which is 30 questions, multiple-choice, which is the difficulty between .43 to .77 and .27 to .77 between the discrimination and the equal confidence 0.95. The instruments used to gather data were the test, observe students, teacher’s daily records, quiz and the learning achievement test. There were four steps of operation : planning, operating, Observation and  Reflection.  The operational step had four circles as follow. The first one was the  lesson plans 1-4; The second was the lesson plans 5-7; The third was the lesson plans 8-10; and the fourth was lesson plans 11-13. Total was 13 hours, by using the process of Cooperative Leaning. The researcher use the format in cooperative leaning to collecting data.  The research had recorded the results of leaning activity form observation and teaching’s daily record.  When the research in each circles completed, the researcher had given the quiz to assess students, progress from the operation.  Acquired data were analyze to find out shortcomings conducted  the test by using the achievement test to re-evaluation. Analyzed by using of qualitative data, accuracy verification and result reports were given in descriptive method. Qualitative data were analyzed by using the fundamental nonparametric statistics.

                 The research findings were as follows :

  1. The development of difficulty word reading and Writing Skill in Prathom Suksa 3 students the results found were that students actively in thelearningbehavior. Withunity, Dareto comment,Assistanceinlearning, and can worksuccessfully. And the teacherhave a good personality. BeamingAllow students toworkwiththeirhandsand listen tothe opinions ofstudents. Carestudentsduringclassto givereinforcementto students.Enables students tounderstand the lessons
  2. The development of difficulty Thai basic word reading and Writing Skill in Prathom Suksa 3 basis that the purpose of the action is students, 80 percent of all students. Achievement test results up to 65 percent when operating fully integrated and tested with four test achievement found that 100 percent of students to score over a certain threshold. All students scored 12 percent of the total. Students have a median score of the test after the operation was significantly higher statistical level of .01.


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How to Cite

คำล้าน ว., & เอกะกุล ธ. (2021). A Development of Difficulty Word Reading and Writing Skill by using the Process of Cooperative Leaning for Prathom Suksa 3 Students of Banpoekrasang School of Sisaket Primary Educational Service Area Office 4. Ubon Ratchathani Journal of Research and Evaluation, 2(2), 54–61. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ubonreseva/article/view/250856