A Development of Community Participation Indicators in Educational Management for Children Care Center under the Organization Committee in Ubon Ratchathani Province


  • ชโยดม มะเสนะ
  • อารี หลวงนา


: การพัฒนาตัวบ่งชี้, การมีส่วนร่วมของชุมชน, การจัดการศึกษา, ศูนย์พัฒนาเด็กเล็ก, องค์กรปกครองส่วนท้องถิ่น


The research aimed to construct and develop the indicators of the community participation in the educational organization by the early childhood centers under the local administrative organizations in Ubon Ratchathani province.  The research procedures composed of the quantitative and qualitative methods as follows: 1) study, analysis and synthesis of the indicators; 2) examination of the indicators by the experts; 3) asking those concerned on appropriateness of indicators;
4) evaluation of indicators by a group discussion on a community participation in an educational management of the early childhood development centers.  The samples were 33 local administrative organizations.  The informants include the secretaries of the local administrative organizations under study, educators, heads of the early childhood centers, and the chairpersons of the early childhood center development committees. The subjects totaled 132.  The research instruments were
(1) the five rating scale questionnaire, (2) the record format for the group discussion, (3) the evaluation form for the appropriate indicators.  Statistics used in analysis of quantitative data were percentage, mean and standard deviation.  Qualitative data were analyzed by means of content analysis.

The research findings were as follows:

  1. In constructing the indicators of the community participation in the educational organization by the early childhood centers under the local administrative organizations in Ubon Ratchathani province, there were four indicators in four aspects and there were 60 sub-indicators. 1) The indicators of the participation in planning;  2) The indicators of the participation in practice;  3. The indicators of participation in monitoring, follow-up and evaluation; and 4. The indicators of participation in improving, revising and developing had 15 sub-indicators.
  2. Considering the outcome of the development of the indicators of the community participation in educational organization, there were four indicators with the 42 sub-indicators as follows (1) the indicator of the community participation in planning had 11 sub-indicators; (2) the indicator in practice had 9 sub-indicators; (3) the indicator of the participation in monitoring, follow-up and evaluating had 11 sub-indicators and (4) the indicator of the participation in improving, revising and developing had 11 sub-indicators.


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How to Cite

มะเสนะ ช., & หลวงนา อ. (2021). A Development of Community Participation Indicators in Educational Management for Children Care Center under the Organization Committee in Ubon Ratchathani Province. Ubon Ratchathani Journal of Research and Evaluation, 2(1), 27–33. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ubonreseva/article/view/250922