A Development of the Critical Thinking Skills by the Evaluation Technique in Mathematics for Mattayom Suksa Four Level of Wangyai Pittayasan School under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 22


  • ฑิฆัมพร กฤตาคม
  • อมรรัตน์ พันธ์งาม


Action Research, Critical Thinking Skills, Evaluation Technique


The research aimed to study and compare before and after the development of critical thinking skills by using the evaluation technique.  The target group was 20 Mattayom Suksa four students of Wangyai Pittayasan School in the second semester of the academic year 2012. An action of development of critical thinking skills based spiral cycle, that composed of four steps, such as planning (P), action (A), Observation (O), and reflection (R).  The research instruments  included
(1) lesson plans, and (2) the test on the critical thinking skills.  The quantitative data were analyzed by using the descriptive statistic method, such as mean, standard deviation, and percentage.  The Qualitative data were analyzed by content analysis.

The research findings were as follows :

  1. An action on development of critical thinking skills consisted of three spiral cycles. Each spiral cycle composed of four steps according to PAOR-model.  The using of evaluation technique for developing the critical thinking skills comprised three steps : 1) leading to the lesson through the encouragement process, 2) launching to the learning activities through, survey and search process, and explanation and conclusion process, and 3) laying to the lesson learned through extension process, and evaluation process.
  2. The result of comparison of critical thinking skills before and after development of these by using the evaluation technique, it was found that the overall students had the developmental score at 66.57 percent which passed the criterion set at 60 percent.


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How to Cite

กฤตาคม ฑ. . ., & พันธ์งาม อ. . . (2021). A Development of the Critical Thinking Skills by the Evaluation Technique in Mathematics for Mattayom Suksa Four Level of Wangyai Pittayasan School under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 22. Ubon Ratchathani Journal of Research and Evaluation, 3(2), 11–20. retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ubonreseva/article/view/250938