A Development of Multi-intellectual by Using SQ4Rs Teaching Method in Thai Language Unit for Prathom Suksa Six Students of Naksamutsongkroh School under the Ubon Ratchathani Educational Service Area office 5


  • มณีรัตน์ เส็งสมวงศ์
  • ธีรวุฒิ เอกะกุล


SQ4Rs Teaching Method, Multi-intellectual, Action Research


This research aimed to study and compare the development of multiple intelligence operations by using SQ4R for the experimental group and controlled group, were 30 Prathom Suksa six students of Naksamutsongkroh School under the Ubon Ratchathani Educational Service Area office 5 derived by a purposive random sampling.  The research instruments were learning plan by using SQ4R, the test of the multi-intellectual development, the exercises and the teachers’ daily records. Quantitative data research used the action research technique according to Lewin’s ideas.

The research findings were as follows.

  1. The students were easy to read, to relate and to summarize the main ideas as they had a frequent practice and repeated the activities. The students were more satisfied with the group members. The classroom was more relaxing, which significantly contributed to the students’ multi-intellectual development in nine aspects: language, logic and mathematics, dimensions, music, physique and movements, human relations, self-realization, natural sciences and critical thinking.
  2. The students in the study had higher multi-intellectual development skills than before with a statistical significance of .01.
  3. The student were taught by the SQ4Rs teaching method had a higher developmental level than the controlled group that was taught by a conventional method with a statistical significance of .01.


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How to Cite

เส็งสมวงศ์ ม. . ., & เอกะกุล ธ. (2021). A Development of Multi-intellectual by Using SQ4Rs Teaching Method in Thai Language Unit for Prathom Suksa Six Students of Naksamutsongkroh School under the Ubon Ratchathani Educational Service Area office 5. Ubon Ratchathani Journal of Research and Evaluation, 3(2), 64–72. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ubonreseva/article/view/250947