A Development of Mathematics Problem – Solving Skill Packages on Permutation and Combination for Mathayom Suksa Five


  • ตะวัน ทองสรรค์
  • พีระพล ศิริวงศ์
  • ประสาร ไชยณรงค์


The objectives of the research were to 1) develop a problem solving skill package according to the set 75/75 efficiency criterion, 2) to compare a mathematical achievement obtained by Mathayom Suksa five students before and after using the package in question and 3) to study the satisfaction of the students who learned from the package.

            The samples used in the study were fifty Mattayom Suksa five students of Nareenukul School who were enrolled in the first semester of the academic year 2013.  They were derived by a cluster random sampling.

            The research instrument consisted of 6 problem solving skill packages on permutation and combination and 30-item learning achievement test with multiple choice; its difficulty value ranged from 0.34-.80, discrimination value ranged from 0.25-.89, and a confidence value was equivalent to 0.86; the satisfaction evaluation format with five rating scales.

            Statistics used to get an efficiency of the package were percentage, mean and standard deviation. Statistics used to compare an achievement of the students in the study was t-test.

The research findings were as follows.

  1. An efficiency of the problem solving skill package on permutation and combination was equivalent to 77.27/77.13.
  2. The learning achievement of the students who were taught by the package in question was higher with a statistical significance of 0.01.
  3. The satisfaction of the students who learned by using the problem solving skill package was overall at a high level, averaging 4.33 and the standard deviation was equivalent to 0.37.


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How to Cite

ทองสรรค์ ต. ., ศิริวงศ์ พ. ., & ไชยณรงค์ ป. . . (2021). A Development of Mathematics Problem – Solving Skill Packages on Permutation and Combination for Mathayom Suksa Five . Ubon Ratchathani Journal of Research and Evaluation, 3(2), 97–102. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ubonreseva/article/view/250953