An Operation on Development of Physics Problem-Solving Abilities on Force and Motion Principles Using-Problem Based Learning of Mathayom Suksa 4 Students, Satree Siriket School, Office of Secondary Educational Service Area 28


  • ชนิดาพร ดวงแสง
  • อมรรัตน์ พันธ์งาม


Operational Research, Development of Problem-solving Abilities, Physics


The purpose of this research was to investigate the effects of an operation on development of physics problem-solving abilities on force and motion principles using problem-based learning.  The samples of the study were 40 Mathayom Suksa 4/1 students enrolling in the first semester of academic year 2014 at Satree Siriket School, Office of Secondary Educational Service Area 28, selected by simple random sampling.  The operation for development used a problem-based learning process.  The research instrument was an achievement test on problem-solving abilities. The statistics procedures used in the study were percentage, mean, and standard deviation.

The research findings were as follows:

  1. The operation on development of problem-solving abilities consisted of three cycles each of which had three stages, namely: (1) planning, (2) operation and observation, and (3) reflection. The operation stage used a problem-based learning process which had six stages, namely: (1) identifying the problem, (2) understanding the problem, (3) investigating the problem, (4) synthesizing the knowledge, (5) summarizing and evaluating the answer, and (6) presentation and evaluation. It was found that the  students gained the development of an analytical process on issues, a knowledge searching process by  themselves,  social interaction and group-working skills.
  2. The effects of the operation were: (1) the problem-solving abilities had an average progression of 17.58, and 82.50 % of the students passed the set criteria. (2) The learning achievement had an average progression of 16.94, and 85.00% of the students passed the set criteria.


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How to Cite

ดวงแสง ช., & พันธ์งาม อ. . . (2021). An Operation on Development of Physics Problem-Solving Abilities on Force and Motion Principles Using-Problem Based Learning of Mathayom Suksa 4 Students, Satree Siriket School, Office of Secondary Educational Service Area 28. Ubon Ratchathani Journal of Research and Evaluation, 4(1), 11–20. Retrieved from