Needs Assessment to Develop the Competency of the Teachers of Science Learning Area under Yasothon’s Primary Educational Service Area


  • อรวรรณ สายกระซิบ
  • เสนอ ภิรมจิตรผ่อง


Needs Assessment, Developing the Competency


The purpose of this research were : 1) to assess needs, 2) to arrange the needs, and 3) to compare the needs of developing the competency of the teachers as classified by gender, positions, working time length, educational levels and fields of their education.  The samples were 191 science teachers at the education expansion schools under Yasothon’s Primary Educational Service Area in the academic year 2013.  The instrument was a rating scale questionnaires of 77 items, with a reliability value equivalent to .85.  Statistics were mean, standard deviation, t-test  and Modified Priority Needs Index  (PNIb).

The research findings were as follows:

  1. The science teachers had needs assessment to develop in all competency. The real and the exception competency had different with statistical significance of .01.
  2. In descending order of the needs assessment to develop the competency of the science teachers as follows: the competency on evaluation, on development of the curriculum of science and its contents, on learning and teaching science, on the science processes and science equipments managed and on the science attitude.
  3. The comparison of the needs classified by gender, positions, number of working years, educational levels, and field of their study showed that they had different with a statistical significance of .01



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How to Cite

สายกระซิบ อ. . ., & ภิรมจิตรผ่อง . เ. (2021). Needs Assessment to Develop the Competency of the Teachers of Science Learning Area under Yasothon’s Primary Educational Service Area. Ubon Ratchathani Journal of Research and Evaluation, 4(1), 61–70. Retrieved from