The Development of Consonant Cluster Reading Skill through Games and Participatory Learning for Prathom Suksa 5 Students of Mahathat Educational Efficiency Promotion Group, Ubon Ratchathani Primary Educational Service Area 4


  • สรัญลักษนา ศิริมา
  • ธีรวุฒิ เอกะกุล


Action Research, Thai Consonant Cluster, Game and Participatory Learning


The purposes of this study were to develop students’ consonant cluster reading skill by using games and participatory learning, to compare the result of the consonant cluster reading skill after the operation with the normal criteria, to compare the consonant cluster reading skill of the students between the experimental group and the control group , and to study the attitude towards the learning through games and participatory learning of the students in the experimental group.  The subjects in the experimental group were 5 Prathom suksa 5 students from Ban Buawat School, and the subjects in the control group were 10 Prathom suksa 5 students from Ban Nonsonghong School. The students were selected by means of the purposive sampling. The research instruments were lesson plans, the achievement test and the attitude scale.  The statistical procedures employed included percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, and the Mann-Whitney-U for research hypotheses testing.

The research findings were as follows:

  1. Games and participatory learning activities were used in the teaching process.
  2. It found that the students’ average score after they finished was 80.70 percent and that all the students in the experimental group passed the 70 percent criteria.
  3. The achievement of the students in the experimental group were higher than that of those in the controlled group at the significant level of .05.
  4. The students in the experimental group had good attitude with the average mean score of 4.43.


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How to Cite

ศิริมา ส. ., & เอกะกุล ธ. (2021). The Development of Consonant Cluster Reading Skill through Games and Participatory Learning for Prathom Suksa 5 Students of Mahathat Educational Efficiency Promotion Group, Ubon Ratchathani Primary Educational Service Area 4. Ubon Ratchathani Journal of Research and Evaluation, 4(2), 72–81. Retrieved from