Learning Elements Affecting an Achievement of Mathematics Learning of the Lower High School Students under Ubon Ratchathani Municipality


  • ชัยยา นาถาดทอง
  • ชาญชัย สุกใส
  • ประสาร ไชยณรงค์


Learning factor, Mathematic achievement


The purposes of this research were 1) to study the mathematic achievement of middle school students under the Ubonratchathani municipality, 2) to study the relationship among basic factor, learning factor, and mathematic achievement of students, and 3) to study the effects of basic factor and learning factor on mathematic achievement of students. Sample consisted of 248 middle school students under the Ubonratchathani municipality. These students were selected by using the stratified random sampling. Research instruments were a mathematic achievement test and a basic and learning factor questionnaire. The statistics for data analysis were Chi-square, Pearson’s coefficient of correlation and multiple regression analysis.

            The research findings were as follow:

  1. The mathematic achievement of middle school students were moderate level.
  2. The basic factors of students were their leisure time at school, their leisure time in holiday, their resident, their home, and distance from their home to school. These basic factors related to their mathematic achievement with the .05 level of statistical significant.
  3. The factors affecting mathematic achievement of students were six factors, such as leisure time at school, distance from their home to school; less than one kilometer; 6 – 9 kilometers, income per day, parents’ occupation, and number of family members. These factors accounted for 15 percent of the variance of mathematic achievement of students.


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How to Cite

นาถาดทอง ช. ., สุกใส ช. ., & ไชยณรงค์ ป. . . (2021). Learning Elements Affecting an Achievement of Mathematics Learning of the Lower High School Students under Ubon Ratchathani Municipality. Ubon Ratchathani Journal of Research and Evaluation, 4(2), 98–104. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ubonreseva/article/view/250993