Creating Multi-Media Computer Assisted Lessons for Grade 6 Music students : a Case Study Thairutwithaya School 31 (Tungnaophutimaseuksakorn) Amphur Song of Phrae Province


  • ปฐมพงษ์ ธรรมลังกา
  • ชัยพฤกษ์ เมฆรา


Multi-Media Computer Assisted Music Lessons / Note / Rhythm / Musical Symbols


This experimental research aimed to create and test the effectiveness of multi-media computer-assisted lessons for grade six music students, using a case study at Thairutwithaya School 31 (Tungnaophutimaseuksakorn), Amphur Song, Phrae Province.  This research launched in the first semester of the academic year 2014. The target group consisted of eight students. The instruments were (1) Themulti-media computer-assisted lessons for grade 6 music students which these lessons comprised eight lesson plans, eight digital exercises for each lesson, and teacher instructions for each lesson, (2) Digital tests for each lesson, (3) The five rating scale of questionnaires on students satisfaction towards using the multi-media computer-assisted lessons. The data were analyzed by using percentage, mean, and standard deviation.

The research findings were as follows :

  1. The students achieved an average score of 87.19% on tests following completion of the course, which the hypothesis was confirmed
  2. On the exercises at the end of each lesson, the students achieved an average score of 81.41%, which the hypothesis was confirmed
  3. The satisfaction score of the students towards the multi-media computer-assisted lessons was equal to 4.15 points, which indicated high level of satisfaction. This was also confirmed the hypothesis.


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How to Cite

ธรรมลังกา ป., & เมฆรา ช. . (2021). Creating Multi-Media Computer Assisted Lessons for Grade 6 Music students : a Case Study Thairutwithaya School 31 (Tungnaophutimaseuksakorn) Amphur Song of Phrae Province. Ubon Ratchathani Journal of Research and Evaluation, 4(2), 125–133. Retrieved from