The Synthesis of Research on Students’ Quality in Social Religion and Culture Strand : An Applying of Meta-Analysis
Synthesis of Research, Meta-Analysis, Students’ Quality, Social Religion and Culture StrandAbstract
The purposes of this research were 1) to synthesize the reaearch characteristics, 2) analyze good predictors, and 3) synthesyze suggestions for the development of the students’ quality in reading the Thai language strand from 84 experiemntal research reports. The instruments were the research quality evaluation form, the research characteristic form, the hypothesis form, and the form for content analysis. The data analysis included a one-way variance analysis, the effect size analysis, and an analysis of multiple regression variances.
The research findings were as follows:
- There were 84 researches synthesized with the effect sizes of 131 values. The most effect sizes were knowledge on reading, followed by kinds of measurement instrument to evaluate variances, kinds of comparison of the Pretest and the Posttest, and control of disrupted variances randomly selected, level of learners’ development based on effect size in the form of t-score. It was found that learning by using programed text could enable the learners to develop at the highest level.
- Good predictors were instructional media, learning by programed text, teaching method, and problem-based learning could predict the effect size 17.80%
- The suggestions on students’ development in reading, the organization and the related personnel should promote disemmination of the principles and ideas on good practices, with emphasis on particpation, self-learning and enabling individual leraners to evaluate their own learning progress.
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