Construction and Development of an Instrument to Evaluate the Ability on Dimensional Relations of Early-Childhood Students


  • ภาวนา แดนดี
  • เสนอ ภิรมจิตรผ่อง
  • ชวนคิด มะเสนะ


The purposes of this research were to construct and verify the quality of the instruments assessing the early-childhood students’ ability on dimensioanl relations, and to set the norms of the instruments. The samples were 341 Kidergarten 2 students of the schools under the Jurisdiction of Ubon Ratchathani Primary Educational Service Area Office 2, selected by multi-stage sampling.  The instruments were five tests consisting of 25 items on picture dimensional relations, namely: similarities and differences, connecting pictures, separating pictures, positioning of related pictures, and related directions. The statistic methods for data analysis were mean and stanadrd deviation, difficulty index, discriminating power,contnet validity, construct validity, and reliability.

The research findings were as follows:

  1. The five tests assessing of the students’ ability on dimensional relations had mean score of 15.89, standard deviation 7.65, reliabilty value 0.95. discriminating power range from 0.39 to 0.99 and construct validity with Eigen values between 0.608 to 0.907, and content validity with the IOC range from 0.80 to 1.00.
  2. The norms of the five tests assessing the students’ ability on dimensional relations had normal T- score between T30 – T72.


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How to Cite

แดนดี ภ., ภิรมจิตรผ่อง เ. . ., & มะเสนะ ช. (2021). Construction and Development of an Instrument to Evaluate the Ability on Dimensional Relations of Early-Childhood Students. Ubon Ratchathani Journal of Research and Evaluation, 5(2), 48–55. Retrieved from