Innovation in Supervision and Evaluation plus Fostering the Learning on Classroom Action Research for Student Teachers, Faculty of Education, Chiang Mai University


  • Surangcana Ruksomboodee
  • Sriwilai Ponmanee
  • Nanthiya Saengsin
  • Souwanit Charoenchai


Instructional Supervision Students Teachers, Evaluation Instruments for Teaching Professional Competency, Classroom Research, Students Teachers


The purposes of this research were to synthesize the innovation of supervision for student teachers in the Faculty of Education, Chiang Mai University.

The research findings were as follows: The instruments were (1) the instructional supervision having participation of supervisors, mentors, peer student teachers and self assessment of student teachers (2) the instrument of teacher’s capacities assessment for student teachers according to the teaching professional competency required by the Teacher’s Council of Thailand were 1) teaching performance observation form, 2) the competency in assessments and learning management form
3) the classroom action research evaluation form and 4) the performance evaluation of learning and self development form (3) the classroom research learning of student teachers by constructing learning community consist of three operating steps : planning, classroom research practicing and reflection.  All of these steps use knowledge management procedure and learning community construction interpolated in research circle.


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How to Cite

Ruksomboodee, S., Ponmanee, S., Saengsin, N., & Charoenchai, S. (2021). Innovation in Supervision and Evaluation plus Fostering the Learning on Classroom Action Research for Student Teachers, Faculty of Education, Chiang Mai University. Ubon Ratchathani Journal of Research and Evaluation, 6(1), 21–28. Retrieved from