A Development of the English Listening Comprehension Skills Using the 5W1H Analysis Thinking Technique for Matthayom Suksa 3 Students at Kuchanwittayakom School under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 28


  • Prapin Kasemsook
  • Chayada Danuwong
  • Theerawut Akakul


English Listening Comprehension, 5W1H Analysis Thinking Technique


The purposes of this research were : (1) to develop the students’s English listening comprehension; (2) compare the result of their listening comprehension; and (3) investigate their opinions towards the listening comprehension package using the 5W1H analysis thinking technique.  The samples were 39 Matthayom Suksa 3 students at Kuchanwittayakom School under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 28, studying in the second semester, academic year 2016 selected by purposive sampling.  The instruments consisted of listening comprehension pakage, learning management plans, a listening comprehension test and a aquestionnaire assessing the students’ opinions in the experimental group towards the package. The statistics were population average, variance and percentage. 

The research findings were as follows:

  1. The development of the English listening comprehension package using 5w1H for Matthayom Suksa 3 students at Kuchanwittayakom School under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 28 showed that they attemped to listen to and were able to anaylze what they listened to better.
  2. The average score of the experimental group was higher than regular group.
  3. The average score of the students’s opinions towards using the listening comprehension package was at a high level of 3.99.


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How to Cite

Kasemsook, P. ., Danuwong, C. ., & Akakul, T. . (2021). A Development of the English Listening Comprehension Skills Using the 5W1H Analysis Thinking Technique for Matthayom Suksa 3 Students at Kuchanwittayakom School under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 28. Ubon Ratchathani Journal of Research and Evaluation, 6(2), 41–50. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ubonreseva/article/view/251044