Variables Affecting Ability in Mathematical Reasoning of Matthayom Suksa 1 Students at Opportunity Expansion Schools under the Amnatcharoen Primary Educational Service Area Office


  • Theerarat Pikunsri
  • Chaowprapha Chueasathuchon
  • Chuanchai Chueasathuchon


Mathematical Reasoning Ability, Variables Affecting, Matthayom Suksa 1 Students


The purpose of this research was to investigate the variables affecting the ability in mathematical reasoning of Matthayom Suksa 1 students at opportunity expansion schools under the Amnatcharoen Primary Educational Service Area Office.  The samples were 491 Mathayom Suksa 1 students selected by stratified random sampling. The instruments were an essay questions with difficulty index of 0.43 to 0.71, discrimination power of 0.28 to 0.84 and reliability of 0.80, six questionnaires with discrimination power of .62 to .85 and reliability of .92 to .97 and the recordable basic mathematical background. The data were analyzed using multiple regression analysis.

The research findings were as follows :

  1. There was a linear relationship with multiple correlation coefficient of .95 between the seven variables, namely basic mathematical background, self-ability perception, social support by people, need for achievement, belief in self-power, future- oriented endeavor and self-control, and attitudes toward mathematical and the ability in mathematical reasoning of the students.
  2. There were four good predictive variables of ability in mathematical reasoning in order of significance, namely : basic mathematical background, self-ability perception, attitudes toward mathematical, and belief in self-power, all of which could predict the students’ ability in mathematical reasoning 90% with standard error of predicitng at .94.


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How to Cite

Pikunsri, T. ., Chueasathuchon, C. . ., & Chueasathuchon, C. . . (2021). Variables Affecting Ability in Mathematical Reasoning of Matthayom Suksa 1 Students at Opportunity Expansion Schools under the Amnatcharoen Primary Educational Service Area Office. Ubon Ratchathani Journal of Research and Evaluation, 6(2), 81–90. Retrieved from