The Active Learning Management with Using Classroom Assessment Techniques Affecting Comprehension Reading Ability for Pratomsuksa 3 Students.

Active Learning, Classroom Assessment Techniques, Comprehension Reading Ability


  • chindarat onsuang -
  • Sariyagan Yeekengaem
  • Piyaporn Phitchayapirath


Keywords: Active Learning , Classroom Assessment Techniques , Comprehension Reading Ability.


            This rerearch purposes were: 1) to develop the reading comprehension ability of PrathomSuksa 3 students by using active learning management together with the use of assessment techniques in the classroom, and 2) to compare the reading comprehension abilities of pratomsuksa 3 students before and after implementing the collaborative learning management plan and the use of assessment techniques in the classroom. The target group consists of 18 students from Ban Rapao School, selected through cluster random sampling using classroom as the randomization unit. The research tools used for data collection include the collaborative learning management plan combined with the use of assessment techniques in the classroom, a reading comprehension test, and statistical analysis methods such as percentages, means, standard deviations, and dependent samples t-test.

            The research findings were as follows:

  1. The ability of reading comprehension of Prathomsuksa 3 students who managed proactive learning management together with the use of assessment techniques in the classroom. It was found that 18 students passed the criteria of 70 percent, representing 100 percent, with an average score of 79.12.
  2. The reading comprehension abilities in the Thai language, after implementing collaborative teaching methods and utilizing assessment techniques in the classroom, showed a higher improvement compared to before the instruction. Prior to the instruction, the average score was 17.89, which accounted for 59.63%. After the instruction, the average score increased to 23.94, accounting for 79.81%. The statistical analysis revealed a significant difference at a significance level of .05, indicating a meaningful improvement in reading comprehension abilities after the instruction.


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How to Cite

onsuang, chindarat, Yeekengaem, S., & Phitchayapirath, P. . (2024). The Active Learning Management with Using Classroom Assessment Techniques Affecting Comprehension Reading Ability for Pratomsuksa 3 Students.: Active Learning, Classroom Assessment Techniques, Comprehension Reading Ability. Ubon Ratchathani Journal of Research and Evaluation, 13(1), 1–11. Retrieved from