Development of a Supervision Model for The Partial Development of Early Childhood Teachers in Active Learning Experiences 3


  • Sirithai Thanopajai -


competency, active learning, early childhood teachers.


                The purposes of this research are to 1) study the current conditions and needs of early childhood teachers in organizing active learning experiences 2) develop a supervision model to develop the competencies of early childhood teachers in organizing active learning experiences
3 ) Study the results of using a supervision model to develop the competency of early childhood teachers in organizing active learning experiences and 4) Study the effects of using a supervision model to develop the competency of skills in organizing experiences and assessment of satisfaction Statistics used in the research include percentages, averages, and standard deviations early childhood teachers in organizing active learning experiences  Proactive. The target group is executives. A total of 389 preschool and early childhood teachers were recruited through purposive selection. The tools used in the research include: opinion questionnaire Supervision format Cognitive test Assessment of skills in organizing experiences and assessment of satisfaction Statistics used in the research include percentages, averages, and standard deviations.

            The research findings were as follows:

  1. The results of the analysis of the current conditions and needs for organizing experiences for early childhood teachers found that the overall current conditions were at a moderate level of practice with an average of 3.28 and the needs were at a high level with an average of 3.58.
  2. The results of the development of the supervision model to develop the competency of early childhood teachers in organizing active learning experiences consist of 5 elements: principles, goals, content, early childhood teacher development process. and measurement and evaluation
  3. The results of using the supervision model to develop competencies in organizing experiences of early childhood teachers. Knowledge and understanding after organizing the experience The average value was equal to 44.37, accounting for 88.74 percent, higher than the set target of 80 percent. In terms of experience organizing skills for early childhood teachers, it was found that after organizing experiences Overall, every item is at the highest level. with an average of 4.69
  4. The results of the evaluation of the impact of using the supervision model to develop competency in organizing active learning experiences found that the results of the evaluation of all aspects of early childhood development were on average 91.38 percent. The results of the evaluation of satisfaction with the form Model of organizing experiences for early childhood teachers at the highest level The average value was 4.57. Appropriateness and feasibility of the model. Overall, appropriateness and feasibility. The average is at the highest level.


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How to Cite

Thanopajai, S. (2024). Development of a Supervision Model for The Partial Development of Early Childhood Teachers in Active Learning Experiences 3. Ubon Ratchathani Journal of Research and Evaluation, 13(1), 64–75. Retrieved from