The Development of Instructional Model based on Case Study to enhance Critical Thinking Abilities of Students Occupational and Safety The 2013 Curriculum Certificate of Vocational Education

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ไพฑูรย์ ยศเตา


The purposes of the study were : 1) to study and develop the learning activity styles by using case study in order to encourage the ability in   Critical Thinking of the students who studied occupational health and safety 2) to stusdy the learning activities by using the case study of occupational health and safety to meet the E1/ E2  efficiency accordance with the 80/80 criteria 3) to study the efficiency index of the students who studied through learning activities by using the case study of OHS 4) to assess the ability in Critical Thinking and the aspects of the students who had the Critical Thinking which took place from the learning activity styles by using the case study of OHS and 5) to assess the satisfaction of the students who studied through learning activities by using the case study of OHS the sample in this study were the first year certificate machine shop students of the first semester in the academic year 2017, Udonthani Technical College the office of Vocational Education comission.The method of cluster random sampling was used for the sample participants and a classroom was a random unit.

The tools for the study were : 1) the learning plan using the case study of the safety in OHS  2) the teaching handouts of OHS 3) the 100 – item achievement test of OHS with four multiple choices 4) The Critical Thinking ability assessment test for the students who studies OHS 5)The Critical Thinking characteristic assessment test for the students who studied OHS and 6) the satisfaction assessment test for the students who studies the learning activities used in data the case study of OHS. The statistics used in data analysis were mean, standard deviation and percentage.

      The study findings were as follows :

      1. The development results of learning activity styles by using case study in order to encourage the ability in Critical Thinking of the students who studied OHS : The researcher presented. PCASNE Model which consisted of 4 factor – 1) the principle of the teaching models 2) the teaching objectives 3) the teaching process 4) the results of the teaching styles which the teaching processconsisted of 6 steps Step1 was preparation : P that was learning activities preparation. It was the duty of the teacher who prepared everything. Step 2 was the leading to the case presentation : c which led to the learning process by using the case study. Step 3 was case study Analysis = A which was analysing the case study. Step 4 was sharing with groups : S which was the work presentation, analytical methods and the group problem solving in the classroom which were the knowledge and experience share together with the share of learning  Step 5 was new knowledge : N which was the essence discussion of learning units and the method summary which applied the knowledge for the job. Step 6 was evaluation : E which was the progress assessment of the students. The media and instrument efficiency which were used in learning and teaching activities consisted of the exercises, post-test, achievement tests, Critical Thinking ability assessment and personality assessment of the person who had the Critical Thinking.

  1. The results of the student efficiency by using the case study in order to encourage the ability in Critical Thinking of OHS were as follows : the efficiency value (E1/E2) Arithmetic Mean was 46 / 78.82 In conclusion, The students who studied OHS by using the case study in order to encourage the ability in Critical Thinking in OHS, in the Vocational Education Certificate curriculum of 2013 reached the set criteria efficiency of 80/80

  2. Learning effectiveness index of the students who studied by using case study in order to encourage the ability in analytical thinking of OHS had effectiveness index of 0.61 which means the students, progress of 61 %

  3. The analysed result of the ability in Critical thinking in studying OHS by using the case study showed that after the experiment, the average score increased in every aspect. The mean was in a high level ( gif.latex?\bar{x}= 3.49) which showed that the students had high ability in analysis individualy.

      5. The analysed results of the characteristic of Critical Thinking in studying OHS by using the case study revealed that after the experiment, the average score increased in every aspect. The mean as a whole was in a very high level ( gif.latex?\bar{x}= 3.42) which means the students had much characteristic of a person with Critical Thinking.

      6. The results of the students satisfaction assessment on learning arrangement by using the case study in OHS showed that the students had the most satisfaction with the mean of 4.50 Individually.

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