The vocational education Management for New Entrepreneurs Creation The vocational education Management for New Entrepreneurs Creation
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The purposes of this study were to study the vocational education management for new entrepreneur creation and create a guideline of entrepreneurial staff in the institute controlled by the Office of Vocational Education Commission. The qualitative research and a case study methods were utilized and took place at Khon Kaen Industrial and Community Education College. Four executives, four teachers and two students were used as a source of information. The research instruments were a semi-structured interview question and a document analysis form. Data analyzed using the triangulation method and then conducted a content analysis. A research findings revealed that the vocational education management comprised of 4 elements : 1) Planning, consists of vision and business plan ; 2) Organization Management in 3 aspects: cooperation, innovation, and creative thinking ; 3) Implementation in the stimulation and motivation while the other one was the supervision ; 4) the Controlling in 2 aspects as 1) the coaching and mentoring and 2) the monitoring and evaluation.
Article Details
สงวนสิทธิ์ โดย สถาบันการอาชีวศึกษาภาคตะวันออกเฉียงเหนือ 1
306 หมู่ 5 ถนนมิตรภาพ หนองคาย-อุดรธานี ตำบลโพธิ์ชัย อำเภอเมืองหนองคาย จังหวัดหนองคาย 43000
โทร 0-4241-1445,0-4241-1447
ISSN : 3027-6861 (print) ISSN : 3027-687X (online)
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