Influence of Powerplant Biomass Ash on Hydration Heat and Shrinkage of Self-Compacting Concrete

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Mongkhon Narmluk
Thanatorn Kumpeeyingcharoen


This paper presents an experimental study aiming to investigate the influence of unprocessed biomass ash on heat of hydration and autogenous shrinkage of self-compacting concrete. In the experiment, ordinary Portland cement was replaced by the unprocessed biomass ash at the ratio of 0, 10, and 20 percent by weight of total binder (500 kg/m3). The investigated concrete properties included mixing water demand (w/p), time to reach slump flow of 500 mm (t500), temperature increase due to heat of hydration, and autogenous shrinkage of the concrete. Test results revealed that, when keeping the same slump flow spread, the replacement of Portland cement by unprocessed biomass ash increases the mixing water demand (w/p) linearly and decreases the t500, the maximum concrete temperature, and the autogenous shrinkage strain of concrete. These results indicate that the use of unprocessed biomass ash in self-compacting concrete can help reducing the internal temperature due to heat of hydration and the autogenous shrinkage, which are the cause of early age cracking, effectively.

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How to Cite
Narmluk, M., & Kumpeeyingcharoen, T. . (2020). Influence of Powerplant Biomass Ash on Hydration Heat and Shrinkage of Self-Compacting Concrete. Vocational Education Innovation and Research Journal, 4(2), 14–22. retrieved from
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