Vocabulary Learning Strategies, Background Knowledge and Effect of Using Exercises Based on American Language Course (ALC) of the Fifth-Year Naval Cadets

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Chaiwat bovornwattanased


The objectives of this research were to 1) study vocabulary learning strategies and compare between high-ability and low-ability naval cadets 2) study background knowledge on English vocabulary and compare the average scores of each section and
3) develop English vocabulary exercises on basis of 75/75 and compare the average scores of each section between before and after studying. The population of was 68 fifth-year naval cadets studying during the first semester of academic year 2020.The research instruments were 1) a questionnaire on English vocabulary learning strategies
2) a questionnaire on background knowledge concerning English vocabulary 3) English vocabulary exercises and 4) a pretest and posttest. The data collected were analyzed by mean, S.D., E1/E2, t-test and F-test. The findings were as follows:

   1) The average score was overall at a moderate level. When considering specifically, the average score of strategy for enhancing was the highest at a high level, followed by the strategy for finding the meanings which was at a low level. There were differences on using of vocabulary learning strategies between high-ability and low-ability naval cadets.

   2) The average score was overall at an excellent level with percentage of 85.25. and there were no statistically significant differences at a .05 level in English vocabulary learning when comparing between the section which the cadets were studying in.

   3) The efficiency of the exercises was 77.82/79.60 which was higher than the initially specified standard criterion. English vocabulary learning ability of each section after studying through exercises was higher than that before studying through exercises.

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