The Development Process of “Pattani Bay Youths” via Schools, University and Communities Participation

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Direak Manmanah
Muhummudrapee Makeng


This article was the part of the action research for creation local curriculum
and Pattani bay volunteer youths. This research was a participation action research.
The aim of this study was to create and develop 20 secondary school students from 2
pilot schools to be “Pattani bay volunteer youths”. The results of this study revealed that
the significant point for volunteer youths development was the systematic participation
of schools, university and community. This development must harmoniously manage via
suitable age of youths. In addition, to continually mange in all of activities processes.
There were three processes of Pattani bay volunteer youths development. Firstly, to give
the knowledge and understanding to youths for Pattani bay ecology awareness. Secondly,
to develop necessary competency with youths for passing on knowledge to communities.
Finally, to create participation of youths and community for looking after Pattani bay
ecology that brought about to Pattani bay sustainable utilization.
Keywords: Youth Development; Participation; Pattani Bay

Article Details

Author Biography

Direak Manmanah, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Prince of Songkla University, Pattani Campus

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences


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