Psychological Contract Organization Commitment And Organizational Citizenship Behavior Employees of a Company

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Patumwadee Hanlakon
Nakarin Wongchareon
Samattaphong Khajohnmanee
Duangkamol Thongyoo


The objectives of this research were to study 1. personal factors, levels
of psychological contract, organizational commitment, and organizational citizenship behavior of a company’s employees, 2. the relationship between psychological contract, organizational commitment, and organizational citizenship behavior. Subjects were 330 employees in industrial estates in Rayong. Questionnaires were used as a research instrument. Statistics analyzed were percentage, frequency, mean, standard deviation and Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient. 

  The results showed that 1. most of the employees were male, aged between
23 and 30 years, their marital status was married, and they worked in a production position, 2. the employees had the psychological contract, organizational commitment, and organizational citizenship behavior at a high level, 3. the psychological contract had a positive correlation with organizational citizenship behavior (r = .259, p < .01), and 4. organizational commitment had a positive correlation with organizational citizenship behavior (r=.418, p < .01).

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