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Suphansa Sirijantapan


The objectives of the assessment were 1) to study the factors that affect the implementation of procedures according to official practice certification at the Department. 2) to identify challenges and obstacles in the policies to provide guidance in increasing the effectiveness of the implementation. Data was collected from the Department faculty using a standard questionnaire. The data was evaluated using percentages, mean and standard deviation.

The results of the survey were as follows:  60% of the respondents were female with an average age of 41 years. 36.7% of the respondents had completed a Bachelor degree. 53.34% had a range of work experience between 11-20 years and 46.7% were employees. The survey revealed the level of interest in complying according to the civil service certification was moderate. And the level of knowledge and understanding about the operation was also revealed to be moderate. 60% related experience in the implementation of the civil service accreditation act with 16.67% having received training on the act and 16.67 being involved in some activities related to the act.

Evaluation of factors affecting the operation according to the Department of Technology faculty at Mahasarakham University is as follows: respondents have a high level of opinion related to the implementation of the official certification. Factors of management and policy combined had a mean rating of 3.98 and a standard deviation of .68. Management alone was rated with a mean of 3.7 with a standard deviation of .74. Personnel factors (including administrators, academic and support personnel) rated 3.73 with a standard deviation of .74. Factors of resources and support rated, on average, 3.77 with a standard deviation of .76. Organizational culture rated 3.89 with a standard deviation of .86.

The assessment revealed the highest level of support and understanding in the faculty-level executives with clear policy formulation of the civil service accreditation. That group rated an average of 4.4. Personnel was found to understand their responsibilities with an average rating of 4.27. The assessment revealed a clear structure of duties and responsibilities of the personnel. Awareness of shared responsibilities rated 4.0. The lowest rated factors were: budget and supporting activities with a mean rating of 3.2 and personnel morale rated at 3.2.

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