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Thanachot Prayatsub
Abdulroning Sue Tae


            This thesis objective: Study the history and background of the Muslims of Koh Yao Noi This research is qualitative. Research papers and the field using techniques. The research method in ethnographic cultural anthropology for 6 months was based on five data collection processes. Documentary Research, Informal Interview, In-depth Interview, Participant Observation, and Focus Group, analytic induction was used and the analysis was done by typological analysis.

            The results of the research revealed that Koh Yao Noi is an old community that existed for more than 200-300 years and is historically related to the city of Thalang. (Phuket) and ethnic diversity  Moreover, most of the religious traditions and ceremonies are still based on the practices and judgments of Palaung Ae (1923-1986)

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