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The purposes of this research are (1) to scrutinize the political context affecting
the formulation of political strategies of the Chart Thai Pattana Party in creating and maintaining
a political support base; (2) to discuss the Chart Thai Pattana Party’s best strategies for building and maintaining the political support base foundation in Ang Thong Province; (3) to investigate and find out the causes and grounds for the termination of its political support base in Ang Thong Province. A qualitative research method was used for document analysis and in-depth interviews with 17 people who were directly involved, serving as key informants. The data collected were analyzed and interpreted to draw conclusions using an inductive model approach.
The results of this research indicate that:
1) After the great tragedy of October 14, 1973, people became more aware of politics, leading to the 1974 constitution announcement, which defined that the candidates for
the House of Representatives needed to be under a political party. Later, the Chart Thai Party was established by the Soi-Rachakru group and businessmen with close ties with the Chunhawan family and Adireksan family under the pretext of the 1974 Political Party Act.
2) The Chart Thai Party created its political power base through connections with
a forest concession businessman such as Mr. Somchai Lerkwararak. After Mr. Somchai’s passing, the Chart Thai Party changed its political strategies to preserve its power base by supporting Mr. Somsak Prissananthakul, who succeeded the political party “Samnuekrakbankerd”.
3) The primary reason why the Chart Thai Pattana Party ended its political support base in Ang Thong Province was the election on March 24, 2019, and the result was not in their favor, resulting in the change of political parties by its politicians. In addition, the Prissananantakul group terminated the political support base of the Chart Thai Pattana Party for any candidates for membership in the House of Representatives.
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