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The research purpose was to study the ideas that appear on the page of on Facebook
Fanpages called “Woonplaepasa”. The data was studied and collected from the 128 messages
posted on “Woonplaepasa” from June to July 2022.
Respectively, it was found that the idea presentations that appeared on these Facebook
Fanpages were mostly the concept of irony or mockery of society, the concept of the individual
viewpoints of social reflection, the ideas of social news, and entertainment concepts. However,
the least common concepts presented were economic and political concepts.
That is to say, Facebook Fanpage called “Woonplaepasa” was a Facebook Fanpage with
a public image and a large number of followers. Therefore, the content must be screened to suit
the audience. The main purpose of establishing this Facebook Fanpage is to create a new meaning
for words used in general. This resulted in the satisfaction of the viewers in real situations. Creating
the new definition for the word “Woonplaepasa” often came from attitudes and perspectives
that reflected the changing situations. For this reason, “Woonplaepasa” became an online
inscription that recorded pinpoints that changed social trends.
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