Wiwitwannasan is an academic journal coming to the light from  cooperation of  Academic Network on Language and Culture from various universities in Thailand. It is  a four-month journal  appeared in two languages: Thai and English. The journal had been published in three issues per year: the first issue was in the months of January - April, the second issue was in the months of May - August and the third issue was in the months of September - December. Wiwitwannasan has been arranged in two formats: the printed format and the electronic format. The objective of the journal is to publish the manuscripts of research article, academic article, and book review article, which formed a body of knowledge  within scope of Humanities and Social Sciences in these discipline: Thai language, literature, folklore, linguistics, language teaching  and language for communication. The articles  submitted for publication in the journal should not be the article to be published in any other journals, nor be under consideration for publishing in any other journals, and every article that had been accepted for publication in this journal would be reviewed by three experts in the discipline related to articles by double blind method and both parties were not from the same affiliation. The authors may be requested to revise their own manuscripts  as recommended by the experts and editors of the journal. Any comment in that  article was  that view and responsibility of the author of that article, the editorial board may  or may not agree on  that view; however, the copyright was owned by the journal, and the reprint of all or part of any article must be approved by the editor in chief of the journal in formal writing. In addition, the fee charge in amount of 2500 ฿ will be collected by the board of journal from any author whose article had been accepted for publication as for the process of article review.