Analysis of Thai Textbook Aksonnit

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Somsak Phansiri


Aksonnit was a textbook of Thai language in early Ratnakosin period, composed by Phra Amaraphirakkhit in the reign of King Rama IV. This textbook was divided into various subject matters as follows: the letter classification, the consonant classification, the mark used with letters, the letter classification according to low, middle, high tones, words with /h/ leading consonants, and conjunct consonants, dead words, words with high tone and rising tone mark, marks used with other words,  4 vowels derived from Sanskrit, examples of the words used with máymalaay and máymûan, examples of words used in the three /s/ letters, observation of three /s/ letters,  letters used in various languages, final consonants in  the word ending protocols of kok, koŋ, kot, kon, kop, kom, homophones, synonyms, six categories of words, words with various meanings, words used in poetry, positioning of vowels, number used as letter.

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How to Cite
Phansiri, S. (2019). Analysis of Thai Textbook Aksonnit. WIWITWANNASAN, 3(2), 32–62. Retrieved from
Academic articles / Research articles


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