The Phenomenon of Narratives to Literature in the Book "Literature: Historical Stories of Imagination"

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Napat Chawnuam


          This article aims to critically study  the book, iterature: history of stories of imagination by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Suradech Chotidompant who translated it from the work ‘Little History of Literature’ of Prof. John Sutherland’s. It is a book that tells the history of a storytelling that is transmitted through time. Some of the stories are regarded as some epic that have been evaluated as literature; some of them have been appreciated as a literature; some of the aforementioned numbers were adapted and presented in the form of plays or movies.  At the same time, the reading channel, receiving and storing a literature also evolved according to technological advances. As the book is developed as an e-book, it is the choice of readers and writers to receive and send information. The collected articles of Sutherland by its content not only provides literary history, the background of the literary creator of the modern era in the Western world and imposition of preliminary literary theory, but also inspires readers to keep an eye on human literary behavior and reflects their reading habits as well.

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How to Cite
Chawnuam, N. (2019). The Phenomenon of Narratives to Literature in the Book "Literature: Historical Stories of Imagination". WIWITWANNASAN, 3(2), 118–135. Retrieved from
Book Review


Sutherland, J. (2013). A Little History of Literature, (S.Chotiudompant, trans.). Bangkok: Bookscape.
Chotiudompant, S. (2019, March 30). Personal interview.