Strategies Satiric of “Nanno” in Dekmai the series (Girl From Nowhere)

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Nattarika Kongmuang
Nontacha Kaiyanun


The research aims to investigate of the satiric strategies used by the character, “Nanno” from Dekmai the Series (Girl From Nowhere). The study collected satiric words and strategies used by the character, Nanno from 13 episodes on starting from the 8th of  August, 2018 to the 31st of October, 2018. The results of the study are presented by descriptive analysis method. Eight strategies are employed including 1) the use of verbal irony 2) the use of words with connotative meanings 3) the use of comparison 4) the use of nonspecific words 5) the use of referring expressions 6) the use of quotation 7) the use of conditional sentences and 8) the use of repetition. All Nanno’s strategies satiric strategies attract and interest its audience.

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How to Cite
Kongmuang, N., & Kaiyanun, N. (2020). Strategies Satiric of “Nanno” in Dekmai the series (Girl From Nowhere). WIWITWANNASAN, 4(2), 85–108. Retrieved from
Academic articles / Research articles


ชาสินี สำราญอินทร์. (2557) กลวิธีการใช้ภาษาเสียดสีในรายการ “เจาะข่าวตื้น” ใน การประชุมหาดใหญ่ วิชาการระดับชาติและนานาชาติ ครั้งที่ 5, (หน้า 190-204). สงขลา: มหาวิทยาลัยหาดใหญ่.