An enquiry for Learning Encouragement toward Literature and Literary Works in the Course Book ‘Rhythm of Literatures’ for Pratomsuksa 1-6

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Pratchayakorn Mueanhawong
Sopee Untaya


This study aimed to explore patterns of the enquiring to encourage learning literature and literary works in the course book entitled, ‘Rhythm of Literatures’ for Pratomsuksa 1-6 in accordance to the Basic Education Cor Curriculum B.E. 2551.  The data analysis was based on the enquiry concepts along with 6 cognitive domains from Benjamin S. Bloom. The findings revealed that there were 303 enquiries from the course book, divided into 6 aspects: remembering (28.38%), understanding (27.06%), applying (13.53%), analyzing (12.54%), evaluating (12.54%), and creating (4.62%).

        There were 2 types of remembering enquiry: 1) searching for knowledge and former experiences and 2) literature and literary work studies. There were 6 types of understanding enquiry: 1) decoding, 2) interpreting, 3) concluding, 4) sampling, 5) predicting, and 6) comparing. There were 2 types of applying enquiry: 1) concluding concepts and explaining how to practice and 2) giving guidelines of practical solution. There were 4 types of analyzing enquiry: 1) data classifying, 2) analysis of cause and effect, 3) analysis of concurrence and contrast, and 4) analysis of specific characteristic or unique of the characters. There were 2 types of evaluating enquiry: 1) the stories’ characters and 2) language stylistics. There were 2 types of creating enquiry: 1) furthering the former knowledge and 2) producing new pieces of work out of the former knowledge.

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How to Cite
Mueanhawong, P. ., & Untaya, S. . (2021). An enquiry for Learning Encouragement toward Literature and Literary Works in the Course Book ‘Rhythm of Literatures’ for Pratomsuksa 1-6. WIWITWANNASAN, 5(1), 185–210. Retrieved from
Academic articles / Research articles
Author Biography

Pratchayakorn Mueanhawong, คณะมนุษยศาสตร์และสังคมศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยมหาสารคาม

  นายปราชญากร หมื่นหาวงศ์

นิสิตปริญญาโท หลักสูตรการศึกษามหาบัณฑิต สาขาวิชาการสอนภาษาและวรรณกรรมไทย มหาวิทยาลัยมหาสารคาม




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