The Development Basic Thai Textbook for Cambodian Learners

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Banyat Salee


The purpose of this research is to create a basic Thai language course book for Cambodian learners. This was research and development. Methodology was both qualitative and quantitative. The samples in this research include: 48 people of Cambodian student in Royal University of Phnom Penh and 21 people of Cambodian students in Mahasarakham University. The results showed that 1. Cambodian students have problems with the consonants, including a sound /j/ is pronounced as /ɲ/. Diphthong pronounced such as /i: a/ is pronounced as / i: /, /ɯ: a/ is pronounced as / ɯ: / etc. 2. The problem of using words and word order in sentences including sorting the wrong words in the sentence. Process of development of a preliminary Thai language textbook for Cambodian people including Expert criticism process, trial of the textbooks and revisions to be used as textbooks for Cambodian learners. Learning achievement based on this textbook, both before learning and after learning found that the mean score from the post-learning achievement test was higher than the average score from the pre-learning test. There was statistically significant difference at the .01 level.


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How to Cite
Salee, B. . (2021). The Development Basic Thai Textbook for Cambodian Learners. Wiwitwannasan Journal of Language and Culture, 5(2), 189–208. Retrieved from
Academic articles / Research articles


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