The strategies for language play on the Page "Kheabp"

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Thippawan Hemmara


The purpose of this article was to present the strategy for language play on the Page "Khiap". From a study of total 228 posts, the results showed that there were 6 groups of strategy for making jokes on Page: 1. Playing with homophones of 101 posts accounting for 44 percent;  2. Playing with words of 34 posts accounting for 15 percent; 3. Playing with phonemes of 31 posts accounting for 14 percent ; 4. Playing with presupposition of 27 posts accounting for 12 percent; 5. Playing with popular etymology of 25 posts, accounting for 11percent; and 6. playing with the identity of the page of 10 posts accounting for 4 percent. The strategy for language play was a presentation of the northeastern dialect vocabularies that were based on a basic understanding of the northeastern dialect along with understanding the social and cultural context, which enabled the reader have a deeper understanding of the jokes.

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How to Cite
Hemmara, T. (2021). The strategies for language play on the Page "Kheabp". Wiwitwannasan Journal of Language and Culture, 5(2), 327–342. Retrieved from
Academic articles / Research articles


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