The Comparative Study of the Chinese Third Tone Pronunciation between Thai Learners and Native Chinese Speakers

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่Jumphol Thawornchob


This research aimed to compare the Chinese third tone pronunciation between Thai learners and native Chinese speakers.  The study sample consisted of 23 female freshmen who enrolled on Chinese Phonetics for 45 hours and 3 female Chinese native instructors. The researcher collected data by recording audio files of tones in three Chinese monosyllables, each of which was pronounced three times. The audio files from the study sample were analyzed and compared the frequency and tone waveforms by using the phonetic software Praat version6.1.29. The results are as follows. 1) The waveforms of Thai learners and native Chinese instructors are clearly different. 2) The minimum frequency of Thai learners' tone is higher than native Chinese's tone. 3) The tone average of Thai learners is higher than native Chinese instructors.

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How to Cite
Thawornchob ่. . (2022). The Comparative Study of the Chinese Third Tone Pronunciation between Thai Learners and Native Chinese Speakers. Wiwitwannasan Journal of Language and Culture, 6(2), 99–112. retrieved from
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