The Development of Learning Exercises of Proposals Writing on Thai Language and Literature Topics for Undergraduate Students Majoring in Thai Language

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Chettha Chakchai


The purposes of the current study were to develop learning exercises of proposal writing on Thai language and literature topics for undergraduate students majoring in Thai language using the effectiveness criterion of 75/75, to compare the undergraduate students’ ability to write proposals on Thai language and literature topics before and after using the developed exercises, and to study undergraduate students’ satisfaction toward the learning exercises of proposal writing on Thai language and literature topics for undergraduate students majoring in Thai language. The target group consisted of 35 third-year Thai Language majored students in The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajabaht Maha Sarakham University using simple random sampling based on class. The data took place in the second semester of the 2020 academic year. The instruments were a set of 5 learning exercises, a test for undergraduate students’ ability to write Thai language and literature proposals, and a satisfaction questionnaire consisting of 20 question items designed in 5 Likert scales. The statistics used in data analysis were mean score, percentage, standard deviation, and t-test (Dependent Sample).

            The results of the study were as follows.

  1. The effectiveness (E1/E2) of the learning exercises of proposal writing on Thai language and literature topics for undergraduate students majoring in Thai language was at 76.71/77.71 reaching the criterion set as 75/75.

  2. The comparison between students’ ability before and after using learning exercises of proposal writing on Thai language and literature topics for undergraduate students majoring in Thai language indicates that the participants’ ability in posttest (x̄ = 23.31) was significantly higher than pretest (x̄=13.49) at a statistical level of .05.

  3. The students’ satisfaction toward the learning exercises of proposal writing on Thai language and literature topics for undergraduate students majoring in Thai language was found at a very high level (x̄=4.52).

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How to Cite
Chakchai, C. . (2022). The Development of Learning Exercises of Proposals Writing on Thai Language and Literature Topics for Undergraduate Students Majoring in Thai Language. Wiwitwannasan Journal of Language and Culture, 6(1), 141–156. retrieved from
Academic articles / Research articles


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