LGBTQ Equality of Humanity And SOGIE Discourse in Thai Society

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Phra Silasak Sumato (Buntong)
Kusuma Soommat
Chirawan Sitthisak


The article aimed to investigate the signification of LGBTQ     as found in various websites and social media, the concept of human equality on Thai Facebook page, and SOGIE discourses in Thai society.  The results of this study revealed that communication of the definitions of LGBTQ found in different websites and social media on Thai Facebook page was classified into 5 linguistic strategies: 1.1) Using of supportive words; 1.2) Using word clusters/grouping; 1.3) Using of passive structure for expressing negative meanings; 1.4) Using purposive sentence structure, and 1.5) Using of story- telling. In addition,  2) Concepts on humanity equality were categorized into 4 aspects: 2.1) Concepts on LGBTQ-oriented Law in Thailand (On Progress); 2.2) Concepts on Love and Family- Building with Their Life Stability; 2.3) Concepts on LGBTQ-Based  Social Spaces Diversities, and 2.4) Concepts on LGBTQ-Oriented  Mass media is interests and Presentation.3) SOGIE discourse in Thai society included 3  aspects: 3.1) Alternative Gender Discourses 3.2) Affective Gender Discourse, and  3.3) Explicit Social Gender Discourses.

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How to Cite
Sumato (Buntong), P. S. ., Soommat, K., & Sitthisak, C. . (2022). LGBTQ Equality of Humanity And SOGIE Discourse in Thai Society. WIWITWANNASAN, 6(3), 119–135. Retrieved from
Academic articles / Research articles


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