The language Strategies of Speech Act in Worship of Thao Suranaree in Korat Songs

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Surasr Kengkhunthod
Rachan Nillawannapha



This article aims to study the language techniques used in the performance of Thao Suranaree's worship speech in the Korat song. which is a native song of Nakhon Ratchasima Province And it is also a popular song used to sing between men and women. The lyrics of the melody are in the Korat dialect. which is unique in the traditional music playing tradition of the Korat people by selecting to study from Korat's compositions of poems used mainly in various occasions by Boonsom Sangsuk, who is a Khorat music doctor. The concept of language strategies has been applied as a tool for studying and analyzing interpretation. The results of the study revealed that the words communicated for effect or other things followed through belief and faith toward Thao Suranaree or Ya Mo in the melody of the Korat song. Language strategies were used: 1) using emotional words, 2) using sacred words, 3) using Korat dialect words, and 4) referencing. which the use of such language strategies All of them are caused by the rituals of belief in the supernatural powers of the sacred. whether it is an expression of respect as well as notices, requests, in vows according to what they wish for almost all


Keywords: verbal strategies, speech, sacrifice, thao suranaree, korat songs


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How to Cite
Kengkhunthod, S., & Nillawannapha, R. . (2023). The language Strategies of Speech Act in Worship of Thao Suranaree in Korat Songs. WIWITWANNASAN, 7(2), 217–226. Retrieved from
Academic articles / Research articles



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