Preferences of Compare and Contrast Conjunctions Used in Business News Articles

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Abhinan Wongkittiporn


This study investigated how compare and contrast conjunctions were preferred to be used in business news articles. Related previous research papers in the field of compare and contrast conjunctions alternated the materials of EFL learners’ written papers to observe whether or not they were able to use compare and contrast conjunctions correctly and appropriately. This study sought differences of the data by using business news article to study the preferences of compare and contrast conjunctions in English. The source of data in this study was gathered from business news articles from The New York Times, which was a well-known national American newspaper. The data collection follows the principle of random sampling method where 10 business news articles were collected from January 1, 2023 to March 10, 2023. The data analysis followed Swan’s (2016) usage-based approach. He was an expert in the field of applied linguistics and use. To make the data analysis in this study consistent and reliable, three linguists were asked to validate the data analysis via IOC. The result of this study showed that business news articles showed specific use of compare and contrast conjunctions at 39.44 percent and 60.56 percent respectively. These percentages reflected that contrast conjuncts are frequently used in actual business news articles. This study can be explained by the principle of informality and the principle of continuity.  

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How to Cite
Wongkittiporn, A. (2023). Preferences of Compare and Contrast Conjunctions Used in Business News Articles. Wiwitwannasan Journal of Language and Culture, 7(3), 67–82. retrieved from
Academic articles / Research articles


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