The Development of Curriculum using Problem-based Learning for Enhancing of the Thai Literature Learning Management Design

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Chomchanok Thanaweeraporn
Anan Lakul
Janjira Havicha
Nuengruethai Chavanalikikorn
Ubonwan Songsern
Pinpon Kongwijit


The purposes of this research were to 1) create the curriculum using problem-based learning for enhancing of the Thai literature learning management design ability for teacher professional students and 2) to study the Thai literature learning management design ability after using the curriculum using problem-based learning. The research and development process (R&D) process of mixed method using qualitative research methods and quantitative research methods. The samples in this research consisted of third-year teaching students in the Bachelor of Education program. Department of Thai Language Teaching, Faculty of Education, PhraNakhon Si Ayutthaya Rajabhat University, 25 people, semester 1, academic year 2023. Research instruments consisted of 1) the curriculum using problem-based learning 2) a competency measurement model In the Thai literature learning management design ability, statistics used are percentage (%), mean (), t-test (T-Test) One Sample Test and standard deviation (S.D.).

  1. The results of creating the curriculum through the use of problem-based learning for enhancing of the Thai literature learning management design ability for teacher professional students, it was found that the curriculum through the use of problem-based learning has 6 steps: 1) linking problems 2) understanding the problem 3) conducting research 4) reviewing the problem 5) creating work 6) Present and                          evaluate work

  2. The results of study of the Thai literature learning management design ability after using the curriculum using problem-based learning revealed that after participating in the trial activity of the curriculum using problem-based learning for enhancing of the Thai literature learning management design ability for teacher professional students, Teacher professional students have average scores in the Thai literature learning management design ability equal to 10 points (=10.00, S.D. = 0.912) or 83.33 percent, which is higher than the 75 percent threshold as set.

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How to Cite
Thanaweeraporn, C. ., Lakul, A., Havicha, J. ., Chavanalikikorn, N. ., Songsern, U. ., & Kongwijit, P. . (2024). The Development of Curriculum using Problem-based Learning for Enhancing of the Thai Literature Learning Management Design . Wiwitwannasan Journal of Language and Culture, 8(2), 297–310. retrieved from
Academic articles / Research articles


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