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The objectives of this thematic paper were: 1) To study the people’s participation in the management of Klongchanark Sub-district Administration Organization, Maung District, Surat Thani province; 2) To compare the partaking of people in the management of Klongchanark Sub - district in terms of their differences of sexes, ages, levels of education, occupations, and 3) To study the problems and some suggestions how solve the problems in the management of Klongchanark Sub – district . The population of this study were the people in Klongchanark totally amounted 3,243 persons and selected as the sampling group with the number of 356 persons by the formula of Taro Yamane. The tool used in data collecting and data analysis by the use of a computer software program . Statistics used in data analysis were : Percentage, Mean, Standard deviation, testing of hypothesis with the statistical value of Z-test and F-test, followed by the method of LSD (Least Significant Difference)
The results of this research found as follows:
1.The people’s participation in the management of Klongchanark Sub - district administration Organization as a whole was in the middle level, while considering in each aspect appeared that the following up and evaluating had the highest mean, second to this was the aspect of operation , but the aspect of benefit taking had the lowest mean, when classified by sexes, ages, levels of education and occupations found that they were in the middle level as a whole.
- The outcome of comparison in the partaking of the people found that the difference of age had statistically significant difference at .05, but the difference of sex, level of education and occupation had no statis tically significant difference at .05 level.
- The suggestions on the problems and the ways to solve them were as follows: The problem of decision-making was in the highest mean because the people had no awareness of planning in the future. The way to solve this problem could be done by creating the significance and opening the opportunity for the people to partake in the management of the Klongchanak Sub-district Administration Organization as much as it possible.
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