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จะเร ตุ้งแก้ว
พระสุริยา สริโย (คงคาไหว)
พระธีรวัฒน์ อนาวิโล (ทองบุญชู)


The objectives of this thematic paper were as follows:- 1) To study the people’s participation in the administration of Samnaktaew sub-district administrative organization, Sadao district, Songkhla province. 2) To compare the people’s participation in the administration of Samnaktaew sub-district administrative organization, Sadao district, Songkhla province in terms of sexes, ages, religions, degrees of education, occupations and incomes as differently. and 3) To study the suggestions were concerned with problems and resolutions in the administration of Samnaktaew sub-district administrative organization, Sadao district, Songkhla province. The population were people who live in the Samnaktaew sub-district administrative organization, Sadao district, Songkhla province at the number of 8,242 persons, sample size by Krejcie and Morgan’s table, got the sample at the number of 367 persons, the instrument for data collection was questionnaire, both closed and open end questions, data analysis by package computer program, the statistics were frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, Z.test F.test and to test the difference of arithmetic mean in each pairs by LSD method (Least Significant Difference)

          The results found that:

  1.   The people’s participation in the administration of Samnaktaew sub-district administrative organization, Sadao district, Songkhla province found that by overviews were at more level, when considered in each aspects found that the aspect of policy and plan working was the highest average and followed up the aspect of plan and policy making and the aspect of evaluation was the lowest average, classified in terms of sexes, ages, religions, degrees of education, occupations and incomes found that by overviews were at more level.

  2.   The comparative results of people’s participation in the administration of Samnaktaew sub-district administrative organization, Sadao district, Songkhla province, in terms of ages, degrees of education, occupations and incomes as differently found that there were different as statistical significance at .001. and in terms of sexes there were different as statistical significance at .01, but in terms of religions there were not different as statistical significance at .05.

  3. The suggestions were concerned with problems and resolutions in the administration of Samnaktaew sub-district administrative organization, Sadao district, Songkhla province. The problems found that no participation of people in term of committee for checking any projects of sub-district administrative organization, lack of meeting for plan and policy making, some of people had no time for participation in project development especially in term of keeping clean the community. The resolutions found that there should invite the representatives of people for being committee for checking any projects of sub-district administrative organization, there should be meeting more for seminar on plan and policy making and invite people in cover of occupations for participation, there should arrange activities in terms of keeping clean of community in holidays or any important days.

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