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The objectives of this thematic paper were as follows:- 1) To study the attitude towards Pre -marital sex of Huasai vocational college students, Hua Sai district, Nakhon Si Thammarat province. 2)To compare the attitude towards Pre -marital sex of Huasai vocational college students, Hua Sai district, Nakhon Si Thammarat province in the different information of sex, grade point average, the occupation of parents. 3) To study the problem and recommend the way to solve about the Pre -marital sex of Huasai vocational college students, Hua Sai district, Nakhon Si Thammarat province. We find out the sample by using table Krejcie and Morgan. The populations are 254 students, the instrument are open and close questionnaires. Analyze the information by auto statistic programme in computer to find frequency, percentage, diversion and to find out the value of t-test F-test and LSD (Least Significant Difference).
The results found that:
the attitude towards Pre - marital sex of Huasai vocational college students, Hua Sai district, Nakhon Si Thammarat province, in the general picture there are in the high level, divide by sex, grade point average, the occupation of parents, in the general picture there are in the high level. The result of comparison the attitude towards Pre -marital sex of Huasai vocational college students, Hua Sai district, Nakhon Si Thammarat province in the different information of grade point average, the occupation of parents, the significance at the level of .001 but according to sex was not different as statistical significance at the level of .05.
The recommendation about the problem and the way to solve the Pre -marital sex of Huasai vocational college students, Hua Sai district, Nakhon Si Thammarat province is the pre-marital sex is good for their experience, it is the common case for the teenagers. The control of pregnant and the condom are the cases that make the student want to try to have a sex because they think it is safe for them. They think this case is not a wrong way. It is not the absent of the moral of the Buddish. The way to recommend are : - the teachers should provide the activities to the students and give them the knowledge about if they have a sex during studying, that is wrong way, they should not do. It is serious case for the teenagers.
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